“Now come, let us hold a conference with each other, right in the seat where we’re setting. I’m setting here, by the side of you. I’m talking to you.”
“But, Lord, I’ve sinned,” says the sinner. “I’ve done so much. I—I don’t believe You could forgive me, Lord. I’m a drunkard. I’m a prostitute. I’m, oh, an ill-famed person. I don’t believe, Lord, there’d be any chance for me.”
Then we hear the beautiful Words come back, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white like snow. Though they be red like crimson; taking the life of many little babies before they’re born, and—and things that’s been horrible. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be white as the wool of a lamb.”
What mercy! “Let us reason together,” saith God now.
Let us come, hold this conference, Lord.
59-1220M - Conference With God
Rev. William Marrion Branham